3000 years ago, in an ancient civilization some 5 miles south of Cairo, live the great Vlaarmodipoo, king of the Cheegmetodes.
Using recent technology invented by Tripod, the great one built a website: on it he placed ads to major industries,
such as the Sharper Image, Amazon.com, or PetCo. But he made no money. Do you know why? Because nobody came.
And thus commensed the birth of the Fishy Link exchange program, or FLEP. The great Vlaarmodipoo gave us his link
banner or button, and we gave him ours. Our fans clicked on his link, and his on ours, and our hit rate grew exponentially.
And thus all was happy.
To participate in this extraordinary program, follow the instructions. The downloadable Breamlinks are found lower
on the page.
1) Send us an e-mail by clicking here, and copy the following form into it:
Name of Site:
URL of Banner:
2) You cannot post your site if it... say... would be rated above PG-13 if it was a movie. Well, if it's
a Matrix site you can post it. That aggrevates me. Matrix isn't rated R. Well, not the first one.
Grr... that irks me greatly. Anyway, that's beside the point. We'll take ALL types of sites. Well, almost
3) Give us the URL of your banner. We'll take all sizes. We'll take buttons, banners anything.
Hey, if you're lazy we'll just take a text link. Just as long as we have your URL (the thing on the adress bar), we'll
link to your site.
4) Place our link on your site. Please use one of the following links. You can download them by right
clicking on them and saving them. If you're having trouble getting into your website, or downloading it as a JPG, or
anything, just send us your question in your form
5) Place Jeeblerman somewhere in your e-mail so we know you read the directions.
6) We've got no automated system, so we'll check to see if you placed the link in your site. So you won't
get away with setting off one pixel of your site as a link to bream, we'll make sure you're doing your job. Expect your
link in the section "Breamy Buddies" under links. If it's good, it may end up in a category related to the site, like
games, or maybe our front page.
The downloadable bream banners are below:
