Lotsa Cartoons. Go there. Read a Politically Incorrect cartoon. Thats all I ask.
An interesting site with lots to offer. Full of randomness.
Breamy Buddies
Our highlighted homemade sites
If I Had a Porch
The inspiration for this site. Possibly the funniest stuff on the net. Here, and on other pages that
are most likely linked to the site, you will find many hysterical random stories.
The unofficial, yet personal favorite, site devoted to Invader Zim, Fluffball's all time favorite show. Randomness
is heavily scattered across the cartoon, based on a little green alien blunderingly attempting to take over earth. Another
great inspiration.
Douglas Adams
If you truly want to write random/bizarre comedy, the Bream Team highly reccomends you read our favorite book series
OF ALL TIME--The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. This is the link to the home page of the late author, Douglas Adams
Salvador Dali Art Gallery
Sure, now you know where to view, watch, and read random stuff. But what about studying random art? Salvador
Dali is our next stop. A perfectly normal artist with an incredibly disturbed imagination, Dali has always bewildered
the human race with his strange and bizarre pictures. His works that were not willed to the museums in Spain are found
in the MOMA, and many a scientific reference or parody has been made to his most famous work, The Persistence of Memory.
They Might Be Giants
You wanna' hear random music? Listen to They Might Be Giants. Their ingenious songs with ingenious tunes
and brilliant singers will sing great songs with lyrics that will make you wanna' say "YAAAAAAAAYhuh?" Their lyrics
cover many random topics including a man the size of the universe with an inexplicable watch and a light switch that
looks like a blue canary. As twisted as their lyrics get, it's actually really great music!
The real fear.com. Don't worry, it's not the last website you'll ever see--that should be bream.
Anyway, what it is is where a bunch of people post their fears. They can be really scary, really funny, or just random
Photos of the USS Bream
Photos of a ship called the USS Bream. I laughed for a second or two once.